On 29 Oct., the Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) organized the Orientation Session and the Press Conference to officially announce 14 recipients of 12 grants of the Kosovo Women’s Fund (KWF), two of which are partnerships, amounting €47,992 funded by Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
By supporting these women-led organizations’ initiatives, KWF contributes to changes that they bring about in their communities. KWN, through KWF, also encourages solidarity among women’s rights activists, and working together as a women’s movement towards implementing KWN’s Strategy 2019-2022, which is being compiled and will be approved in accordance with KWN’s member organizations.
Nertila Qarri Gërguri, KWF Coordinator and Besa Shehu, Finance Manager at KWN, during the first part of the meeting, shared detailed information regarding the process of narrative and financial reporting, and how to create and maintain a monitoring and evaluation database, which will facilitate beneficiaries during the reporting process throughout the implementation of these projects.
Igballe Rogova, KWN Executive Director, in her welcoming speech, recalled the time in which the Kosovo Women’s Fund was established back in 2012. In that time, it came into being because of the great need of women-led organizations for funding, especially for those working in rural areas that did not have access to donors. She expressed her gratitude that KWF now has expanded and is enabling KWN members to implement the strategy.
Meanwhile, Arsim Aziri, Programme Manager Economic Development, said that “through women’s empowerment in economics and education we are trying to achieve a gender balance.”
During the press conference, Resmije Rrahamni from Organization of Persons with Muscular Dystrophy of Kosovo (OPDMK), a beneficiary of this round, said that this is was the fourth time that OPMDK has received grants through KWF. “The grants that we have received from Kosovo Women’s Fund has helped us to improve the lives of people with disabilities, especially to help women to have equal access to healthcare. Throughout the years, Kosovo Women’s Network has been our most powerful voice and we are very thankful for this support,” said Resmije.
KWN and its member organizations signed contracts for grants, as following:
Advocacy Grants for a Single Organization:
- Organization of Persons with Muscular Dystrophy of Kosovo with the initiative: (OPDMK) with the initative: “Health for all” (€3,840.00)
- Women’s Association with the initative: “Advancing the law on Inhertance” (€3,395.00)
- The Midwives Association of Kosovo with the initative: ”Strengthening the role of midwives’ professional service” (€3,055.00)
- Handikos Mitrovica with the initiative: “Depression in mothers of children with disabilities and people with disabilities” (€3,346.00).
- Psychotherapists in Action with the initative: “Advancing palliative care in Kosovo and raising awareness among the community for people with special needs” (€3,351.00)
- Luna with the initative: “Promoting and protecting women’s rights against gender-based violence” (€3,511).
- NGO Gruaja Bashkëkohore with the initative: “The Stigma of Society on Sexuality” (€3,164.00)
- Women’s Alliance for Integration: “Areness raising of health care for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian women in the municipality of Ferizaj Urosevac and Lipjan” (€3,665.00)
- Center for Protection of Women and Chdilren “Raba Voca” with the initative: “Parental leave as a future model in Kosovo” (€2,795.00)
- Women’s Farmers Association „Krusha e Vogël“ with the initative: “Women’s support in menopause (€3,460.00)
Networking for Change Grants:
- Medica Kosova & Cradle of Smile with the initiative “Use of a community-based approach and trauma to improve the access of survivors of sexual violence during the war during the process of recognizing of their status” (€6,894.00)
- Open Door& Ruka Ruci with the initiative: “What tomorrow brings with me!” (€7,516.00)
KWN’s Kosovo Women’s Fund offers small grants for women’s organizations that lack of other funding opportunities and that want to work for women’s rights, especially groups working in rural areas and/or with marginalized persons. Since 2012, KWF has distributed a total of 144 grants and supported 75 different women’s rights organizations, totaling €532,830 It has had more than 19,564 beneficiaries, and contributed to at least 29 policy changes towards improving the lives of women and girls in Kosovo. In 2018, the Kosovo Women’s Fund is receiving support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the European Union Office in Kosovo.