On the 14 Sep., the Agency for Gender Equality (AGE) launched its Commentary on the Law for Gender Equality. This commentary is of utmost importance as it will guide women and men on the proper implementation and use of the Law. The aim of the Commentary is to clarify, promote and simplify the implementation of the law, and ensure that women and men fully enjoy their rights pursuant to Kosovo legislation.
The opening speech of the launch was given by Kosovo’s new Prime Minister, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, who noted that there is yet work to be done toward ensuring gender equality in Kosovo. He was followed by Ms. Selvete Gërxhaliu – Krasniqi, from the Constitutional Court who provided for a historical view on the adoption of the older Gender Equality Law and Mr. Nehat Idrizi from the Kosovo Judicial Council re-affirmed the importance of such Commentary being launched.
On behalf of AGE, Chief Executive Edi Gusia thanked everyone who participated, stating that the need for a commentary had emerged years before, in 2004, when the first Law on Gender Equality came into effect. She also noted that, although Kosovo’s laws have advanced, implementation still remains a challenge.
Mr. Hilmi Jashari, the Ombudsperson, emphasised the need to harmonize Kosovo legislation. Currently the Law on Gender Equality foresees equal representation of women, at all levels, as being 50%, which is not compatible with the Law on General Elections and the Law on Local Elections which both foresee a quota of only 30% as prescribing equal representation.